3133 Van Horn Road
Trenton, MI 48183
B: 734.934.6900
F: 866.571.0417
Support Ticket

Website Hosting


Many hosts make bold “claims” about uptime, but usually this is just marketing. Uptime is something that we’re absolutely fanatical and extremely proud about. Our server notification and emergency response procedures are arguably the best in the industry.

Data Reliability

We use 3 levels of protection to keep your data safe. Your data is housed on RAID-protected storage, and is then backed up multiple times per day to local backup storage. We also then take your data and securely and safely back it up to our remote disaster recovery location.

Services Included With All Plans

Daily Backups

Daily, weekly and monthly backups ensures your web space against data loss

Website Transfer

Our Support will transfer your files and databases.

Website Monitoring

Our proprietary monitoring system will keep your WordPress site free from outside threats.

Control Panel

Latest cPanel Control Panel, the leading standard for hosting platforms.